Sunday, October 19, 2008

Walking in the hood...

Gorgeous weather in the Chi this weekend.

Had an opportunity to check out my neighbor's new market and wander the cityscape with camera in hand. For those of you who do not venture to our little slice of heaven on the South Side, thought I'd post a couple of images of the city scape on the formerly bustling retail strip that we call 47th Street.

I passed what looks a lot like a do-it-yourself altar to Barack the other day on the way to work.

Fantastic image.

The GoTellMama downloaded images are posted over an old soul food restaurant sign in an alley near 47th and Martin Luther King Drive. BTW, the GTM artist has a small show now at the Little Black Pearl Work Shop down the street...will need to check that out before the election.

East on 47th, same side of the street, there is the abandoned bar, The New Bonanza.

Seems pretty spot on with the current news.

All things come to pass, and the Bonanza's over... Windows barred and bashed. Door padlocked. But note the sign. Even in tough times, there's always opportunities for the deal makers.

Sounds like a Paulson pub, eh?

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