Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Ummm...what's the deal here?


If you had any question, any inkling, that you weren't sure what way the tiles were supposed to be oriented...

...wouldn't you ask?

Well, Kitchenistani laborers are used to doing it the Kitchenistani way. And that is not what they look for in the Republic of Bathroomvaria...

So the poor guys had to rip it down and do it over again... Looks nice now.

And below? The brand-new ceiling...

Is that...is that...Ugh, it is water damage on the new ceiling.

Yeah, its not the Iowa floods, but it is a bummer.

As noted previously, I think we have the problem under control---but it still sucks.

And though it does not look bad in the picture, it is a bit more noticable in the house (particularly if you happen to be the one who recently shelled out the cash to put the new ceiling in).


Kelli said...

Love the subway tiles. Will love them better when installed properly. Can't wait to see them in person. Did you get a new tub also or keep the clawfoot?

jmogs said...

They are now installed correctly. Come any time.

Same tub---the claw foot is in the master bath. No change there, though that is a project that will beckon sooner than later.